
IDEs needed for various programming languages

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. An IDE consists of a text editor to write the code, a console to view the output, a compiler at backend to process (i.e. compile and run) the code and several necessary buttons to compile, run, etc. Here are some of the IDEs to start with various programming languages :- 1. C, C++ :-   CLion ,  DevC++ , CodeBlocks , TurboC++ . 2. Java :-   Eclipse ,  IntelliJ IDEA ,  NetBeans ,  BlueJ . 3. Python :-   PyCharm ,  Spyder . There are some editors which can be used to compile and run the code of many languages by downloading extensions. Some of them are :- Sublime Text ,  Notepad++ ,  Visual Studio Code ,  Atom etc. Top computer books

BigInteger class in java

BigInteger class in java BigInteger class in java comes with the java.math package. This class is used to store numbers which are beyond the capacity of other data types. If we want to store a number of 180 digits, it cannot be stored in another data type. So, BigInteger class is used to store these values. Implementation of BigInteger class in java :-  import java.math.BigInteger; class Main{     public static void main(String[] args){         BigInteger b = new BigInteger("1");         int n = 20;         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){             b = b.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));         }         System.out.println(f);     } } This program will print the factorial of 20 using BigInteger. Top computer books